01 - The Heart Wants What It Wants.mp3


Posted by Tawanda Blake on Saturday, April 18, 2015
I used to think that a "Super Hero" was a Marvel Comics, buff, save the day type of dude, or dudett... Ha! I thought those characters were so cool dressed in bulletproof spandex, and all glammed up just to fight this crime, or save an overly exaggerated, screaming chick from a burning building that's on the brink of collapsing. I realized that the super hero was cool, but utterly and grotesquely unrealistic and might I add, OVERRATED... A hero doesn't have powers.(S)He wears suits, jeans, pajamas, ugly -cotton- gowns, pumps, dresses, t-shirts, and  has personality, as well as awesome potential. (S)He can love, feel, laugh, and touch. (S)He is tired as hell after work. (S)He snores and slobs in his/her sleep, and sometimes falls asleep in his/her clothes. (S)He laughs with a snort. I got news for ya: a super hero ain't one-hundred-and ten pounds either. As a matter of fact, let's scratch through super. (S)He eats popcorn, and cuddles with full parental guidance during movies(keeping his or her octopus hands to themselves), but will unleash the rip your pants or panties off kisses when the time is right--no rush. (S)He's a gentlemen/woman that wants more than a fabricated life...A hero is someone. A real person that wants an exclusive life with you... Oh, where art thou, hero???! I know in all the chaos and drama of the world, this person has to be out there, or is it unrealistic to want what's real?